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Artist Tom Frazier

"Tom Frazier was born in the early 1970s and grew up in Boston. His family’s travels took him to London, where he studied for his degree before training as an illustrator. As a result of the training he received at this stage of his life, he has a keen interest in the more ‘traditional’ use of materials like ink, charcoal and pencil and in media like drawing and painting, but over recent years he has also been increasingly drawn to the creative opportunities available through the use of new digital media. He tries therefore, wherever possible, he says “to merge the old and the new to create a winning combination”. Tom Frazier has been much influenced by his travels and by his experience of metropolitan life, both in London and in New York. His work embraces elements of graffiti and street art, but also incorporates more traditional aspects of colour, composition and place. Tom Frazier lives and works in London but frequently travels, particularly to America and the Far East. His work has often been exhibited, usually in urban bars and galleries. His likes include music, charitable activity and artwork which allows him to involve himself with local youth and community projects."

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